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Project Overview

This turnkey project encompassed the demolition and replacement of a 2500m3 reserve feedwater tank which is essential for the bulk storage of demineralised water and essential in the case of a reactor trip. The work scope included conceptual design, detailed design, procurement, fabrication, installation and commissioning of the feedwater tank.




Turnkey feedwater tank rebuild


Lancashire, United Kingdom


Undisclosed, significant CAPEX project

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The challenge

The client required a fast-track demolition, design and tank rebuild at their Lancashire site, to enhance the integrity of their plant and avoid any plant downtime.

The solution

Altrad Motherwell Bridge (MB) adopted a collaborative solution for the project which encompassed a joint EDF and Altrad MB engineering team, who were familiar with the technical requirements, the power station requirements and the local environment. Altrad MB’s tank specialists worked alongside their engineers onsite to complete the tank rebuild project.

The benefits

  • Project completed with no lost time accidents or incidents
  • The execution model was produced to enable it’s transfer to other EDF site tanks
  • A collaborative engineering approach realised significant benefits to the schedule and out turn cost

Client testimonial

Altrad Motherwell Bridge team have worked extremely hard, efficiently and with flexibility to achieve this challenging programme. The teamwork between Altrad Motherwell Bridge and EDF Engineering has been the root of this successful project. The Altrad team are now an integral part of the Heysham A team and are considered professional, cooperative and efficient.”

Colin Wassell – RFT3 Project Manager, Heysham A

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