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Current vacancies available in Denmark. | Aktuelle ledige stillinger i Danmark.

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Project Overview

Total embarked on a £300m refinery expansion programme to increase its high-sulphur crude processing capacity. The expansion included the construction of a hydro-desulphurisation unit (HDS3) and a hydrogen production unit, designed to enhance the plant’s capacity for processing high-sulphur crude from 10% to 70%. Altrad were engaged to undertake remedial works as a result of corrosion under insulation (CUI).




Corrosion under insulation (CUI) mitigatio


North Lincolnshire, United Kingdom



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The challenge

The refinery had experienced some serious corrosion under thermal insulation issues in the past which were costly and disruptive to remediate. The quality of the cladding finish had to be of the highest standard, designed to mitigate the potential of water ingress to ensure future CUI issues would not re-occur.

The solution

The project was delivered during an accelerated programme of 18-months and encompassed a solution that guaranteed the elimination of further moisture entering the insulation system. The Altrad team worked closely with total to ensure the operation of the plant was not impacted by the remedial works undertaken.

The benefits

  • The solution met the full technical specification of the project
  • The project was delivered ahead of schedule
  • No safety accidents or incidents
  • FPAL performance feedback – client satisfaction was over 90%
  • Client provided appreciative feedback to the Altrad project team

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