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Current vacancies available in Denmark. | Aktuelle ledige stillinger i Danmark.

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A big welcome to our new graduates who joined Altrad’s nuclear sector this month: Ewan Rintoul, Theo Fishlock, Russell D’Sa and Dayne Dormand.

Our graduates had a busy start, participating in a weeklong induction programme led by David Groom, Head of Project Engineering. The group has enjoyed presentations from sector leads to gain an understanding of Altrad’s capabilities, been on a tour of the Asset Management laboratories, attended a session on ‘Mates in Mind’ and gained detail on their 4-year graduate scheme and the support that they will receive from mentors, buddies and Altrad colleagues.

Initial placements for the Nuclear graduates are in place across the UK and over the next two years, each of our graduates will experience many facets of our business, from proposal development to site delivery, all while progressing towards Chartered Engineer status.

A big thank you to those who contributed to the graduates’ induction week, especially Ian McFarlane, Simon Cadwallader, Richard Jack and the members of the management team who joined the graduates for lunch on Monday.

Paudie Somers, Executive Vice President of Operations, extended a warm welcome saying, “I am delighted to announce our newest intake of graduates within our nuclear sector. It is always exciting to introduce new talent to the business and I look forward to hearing about the achievements of these young professionals as they set off to gain experience across our business. Welcome to Altrad and I wish you the very best in your careers!


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