Current vacancies available in Denmark. | Aktuelle ledige stillinger i Danmark.

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Current vacancies available in Denmark. | Aktuelle ledige stillinger i Danmark.

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We are the world leader in insulation.

Our ingenuity has been at play for decades. We have supported some of the largest projects on the planet - from Algeria to Angola, Papua New Guinea to Pembroke and Qatar to Queensland, Australia - Altrad has led the market.

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Our expertise spans the asset life-cycle from conception, through to design, installation, ongoing repair maintenance and into decommissioning.

But here in the UK, we don’t just support major projects, we embed our insulation services within large multi-skilled teams to support our nations vital assets – supporting power plants, refineries, offshore oil and gas platforms, and nuclear decommissioning facilities.

Whilst our operations are considerable, and our technical knowledge is unparalleled, it’s our talented people that bring all this to life.

As an innovator, creator and future-maker, Altrad is characterised by curiosity, a trait that helps us find solutions to the most complex of challenges. We will work collaboratively with you to find a better way and never stop asking, “What if?”.

From thermal and cryogenic insulation to noise protection and acoustic insulation, as well as nuclear cassettes, Altrad provides innovative solutions, products and services that protect and conserve energy.


  • Crogenic insulation
  • Thermal insulation
  • Acoustic insulation
  • Multi-layer applications
  • Removable insulation jackets
  • Vapour barriers
  • Non-intrusive inspection ports
  • Corrosion under insulation (CUI) examinations and repairs
  • Energy loss/savings assessment – including thermography services

Let’s start the conversation

Quite simply, a journey at Altrad begins with a desire to create a better tomorrow.

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