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To allow everybody to appreciate the tremendous talent at Altrad, we’ve decided to make our internal podcasts available to everyone, these can now be accessed via our website, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and SoundCloud – after all, it’s our ideas and therefore our people, that make Altrad the smartest choice.
Our podcast, “Altrad Uncovered”, allows the listener to hear perspectives from every level in the Altrad business, from the boardroom to our site operations.
In this, our sixth episode, Marc Allert steps up to the mic. Marc usually spends his time hot desking his way around the UK at various Altrad and client locations, delivering virtual reality training and behavioural safety coaching.
During his chat with Pete Hughes; Marc Allert, will be sharing insights into his family life, his career (including his nine years in the military where he served overseas) and his unique journey which led him to Altrad and his current role.
Please click “play” below to get started… you won’t be disappointed!