Current vacancies available in Denmark. | Aktuelle ledige stillinger i Danmark.

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Current vacancies available in Denmark. | Aktuelle ledige stillinger i Danmark.

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Meet Michael Litten, a Regional Trainer for Altrad, who also volunteers for the Hemsby Lifeboat, a not-for-profit organisation that provides critical support for those in need.

Michael had been working offshore for many years when he joined the Hemsby Lifeboat crew in October 2019. Since then, he has become more involved in the charity, serving as a trustee, helm, and one of the training officers. The service comprises of 15 volunteers who operate two boats, an ex-RNLI Atlantic 75 sea boat and a broads lifeboat used to help those in difficulty on the Norfolk broads and rivers.

Michael and the team attend around 50 calls a year, with 80% of them being on the Norfolk broads. The calls can include support for medical emergencies, mental health crises, missing persons and sinking vessels – no two callouts are ever the same!

Recently, Michael highlighted that some of his Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including his survival suit, needed replacing – and Altrad were pleased  to donate Michael a new one. In addition, Altrad also donated paint to enable the restoration of a new launch vehicle, all of which provide valuable support for the charity.

We’re proud to have Michael working for Altrad, as he goes the extra mile to make a difference in his community!

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