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We are thrilled to shine a spotlight on three of our people who have recently celebrated long-service awards, being recognised for their hard work and commitment to Altrad!

Tony Byrne, an insulator and part of the EDF fleet transient team, accomplished 40 years of service in November 2023. He was joined on site at Heysham 1 in Lancashire, England, by John Walsh, CEO UK, Ireland, Nordics & Poland to be presented with his award.

In January 2024, Andy Beckers, a supervisor at HPC, reached 30 years of service and Mick Adams, JV Site Welding Quality Manager, joined Andy to present him with his award.

February marked 30 years of service for Paul Roome, a Mechanical Supervisor at Ratcliffe power station in Nottinghamshire, England. Brian Masters, Business Unit Director for Thermal, joined Paul to present him with his award. Ratcliffe Power Station’s Site Manager Mark Godfrey expressed his praise for Paul’s accomplishment, stating: “Paul joined Altrad Babcock as an electrician on the Ratcliffe site 30 years ago and has worked his way up becoming chargehand and supervisor. It’s a fantastic achievement, and we thank Paul for his dedication and hard work during his 30 years on the Ratcliffe site.

Congratulations to you all on this amazing achievement, and we thank you for all that you have done for our business over the years!

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