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To highlight the efforts of our people, at just three of our projects:
Paudie Somers, the CEO of Altrad – UK, Ireland & Nordics commented, “The impact of the coronavirus has been devastating for many of the communities throughout the UK. One of the shining lights of the pandemic has been the response of our people in supporting their local communities, in conjunction with the Trussell Trust, through our food bank initiative which was launched back in May.
The strain on food banks has been immense and many have reported an increase in demand of over 90% during the pandemic. Food banks provide a much needed lifeline of support to many families. From a personal perspective, I have been overwhelmed by the generosity of our teams, and I know their actions will have a direct and positive impact on people who are struggling at this difficult time.
As we ease out of the coronavirus pandemic, my sincere hope is that we will continue to support food banks and the local communities, as part of an ongoing initiative. My vision is that we will embed this sense of generosity into the DNA of our business to create a legacy of support for those who need it most.
A small contribution from us all, can together, make a huge impact to many.”